

<meta>태그의 name요소는 눈에 직접 보이지는 않아도 해당 문서의 다양한 메타데이터를 정의할 때 사용합니다.
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    <title>HTML meta tag - name attribute</title>
   <p>&lt;meta&gt;태그의 name요소는 눈에 직접 보이지는 않아도 해당 문서의 다양한 메타데이터를 정의할 때 사용합니다.</p> 


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      You know I want you It's not a secret I try to hide You know you want me
      So don't keep saying our hands are tied You claim it's not in the cards
      And fate is pulling you miles away And out of a reach from me But you're
      here in my heart So who can stop me if I decide that you're my destiny?
      What if we rewrite the stars? Say you were made to be mine? Nothing could
      keep us apart You'd be the one I was meant to find It's up to you, and
      it's up to me No one could say what we get to be So why don't we rewrite
      the stars? And maybe the world could be ours tonight You think it's easy
      You think I don't wanna run to you, yeah

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